Citizen Charter



  • Patient have a right to receive treatment irrespective of their type of primary and associated illness, socio economic status, age, gender, sexual, orientation, religion, caste cultural, preferences linguistic and geographical origins or political affiliations.
  • Right to be heard to his/her satisfaction without the doctor interruption.
  • Right to have details on dosage, Do’s & don’ts & generic options for the medicines.
  • To be provided with information and access when & to whom to contact in case of an emergency.
  • Right to personal dignity, privacy and confidentiality.
  • Protection from physical abuse and neglect.
  • Patients have the right to request information on the names dosage and adverse effect of medication.
  • To have information about the identity of the staff taking care of them.
  • To have information about his/her disease, treatment and prognosis and other related information.
  • To know estimated cost of treatment and bill update.
  • Right to safety.
  • To obtain a copy of medical record.
  • Right to have a second opinion.
  • Right to have to refuse treatment.
  • To voice complaint and grievance redressal.
  • To have complete information of alternative in case of transfer to another facility.
  • To know the appropriate duration for recovery.
  • To know risk/benefits and consequences to surgery procedures.
  • Right to know about facilities.
  • To give documented consent before anesthesia, blood and blood products transfusion and any invasive/ high risk procedures treatment.
  • Right to fair and prompt hearing of his/her concern.
  • Right to appeal to a higher authority in the healthcare provider organization and insist in writing on the outcome of the complaint.



  • Be considerate of noise levels, privacy, number of visitors (no child visitors allowed)
  • Comply with the No Smoking policy in the hospital premises
  • Provide full information about your illness or problem to allow proper.
  • Responsible to keep appointments, be on time for appointments and to call your health care provider if you cannot keep your appointments
  • Responsibility in following the advice given by the healthcare team members
  • Not allowing outside medicines in the hospital
  • Not giving any kind of tips or gratuity to any of the staff
  • Responsibility in settling the bills if it is declined by the Corporate/TPA/Insurance agency
  • Be considerate of noise levels, privacy, number of visitors (no child visitors allowed)
  • Comply with the No Smoking policy in the hospital premises
  • Responsible to keep appointments, be on time for appointments and to call your health care provider if you cannot keep your appointments
  • Responsibility in following the advice given by the healthcare team members
  • Not allowing outside medicines in the hospital
  • Not giving any kind of tips or gratuity to any of the staff
  • Responsibility in settling the bills if it is declined by the Corporate/TPA/Insurance agency
  • Show courtesy and respect to health care personnel and other patients.